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Why are so many of our kids, teens & adults feeling so lonely?

“In 2022, just over 1 in 6 (16%) Australians were experiencing loneliness. As of 2022, about 1 in ...

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Press & Online


S1 E1 – The Good Enough Dad with Hamish Blake – ‘we’re all basically winging it’

Aiming to be a GOOD dad is important. But you know what? Being a good ENOUGH Dad ...


Seven tips for parenting teen boys: ‘Nagging them is like shouting into a void’ – The Guardian

Teen boys are a universally maligned group, frequently seen as a scourge to orderly society. Yet underneath ...


S6 Episode 20 – Starting High School – A guide for parents – Parental As Anything ABC Podcast

Starting high school is a massive change for both you and your tween. How do you get ...