Is my child ready to start school? How can I help my child to succeed at school?
No matter how much we want our children to be ready to start formal learning, some are not ready when our education system expects them to be. Also, due to the ‘push down’ of formal learning into early years, sometimes we need extra support in helping our children cope while at school. The range of school starting ages, even amongst Western countries demonstrates the complexity of these issues. This page has some useful resources on helping know when children are ready for school and in supporting them in their learning. A GREAT place to start is by listening to my ABC Parental As Anything podcast episode with Dr Kaylene Henderson, which covers helping little ones transition to big school and, in the last 5 mins, also offers some tips for those starting high school. Dr Kaylene and I also ran a Getting Ready for Big School masterclass which covers loads of aspects of starting school and includes some free resources for families.