Blog Category: Essential Kids Blog
The risk of not letting our children take risks
Lenore Skenazy, author of Free Range Kids, has been fighting against laws in the US ...
Raising ‘we’ kids not just ‘me’ kids
As I was taking my morning walk today, I came across water running down a ...
Surviving the first week of high school
As a former high school teacher, year coordinator and counsellor — as well as a ...
A good dog helps kids care
Parenting is a tough gig and in the pursuit of making choices that enable our ...
Supporting your teen through grief
When I was running seminars for teens, I noticed one afternoon working with some 14- ...
Making kids feel safe in 24/7 bad news cycle
When I heard the devastating news last week that four lives were lost (and many ...
To praise or not to praise
Over the past couple of weeks I have been immersed in toddler land with my ...
Why won’t my kids play outside?
It must be annoying for many parents today who hear stories from older folk like ...
Raising Awesome Teens in a Chaotic, Sexualised World
with an afterword by Steve Biddulph The story in the media this week about the ...
Expectations: a help or a hindrance?
It is that time – that once every four years time where dreams are made ...
Why being a firm, loving parent matters
Without a doubt parenting is confusing, challenging, exhausting, fabulous, delightful and amazing, and often all ...
The power of the parental pause
In those tough parenting moments, this secret may be your saving grace. There are many ...
Sobering truths about being a mother
Mother’s Day in Australia is rapidly approaching and thanks to our commercial, consumer-driven world there ...
4 Steps to Toddler Genius
Toddlers are wired to explore, investigate, question and be curious so that they may come ...
Family meetings
Technically a family operates like a small organisation, like a community or even a small ...
Sensitive kids starting school
As school holidays run out faster than the water out of the bath, parents know ...
The comfort of family ritual
As the end of the year comes hurtling toward us, many of us who celebrate ...
In praise of a common-sense revolution
Recently I was listening to a radio interview with a motoring expert, and a listener ...