Blog Category: Essential Kids Blog


Getting it ‘just right’ with extra-curricular activities

I was asked this week to comment for a national current affairs TV program about ...


The school pickup war zone

Thanks to the rapid changes in technology especially smart phones, well-meaning parents are much more ...


Taming the teen stress monster

For many of our teens one thing is certain: stress levels are set to rise ...


What’s with all the angry kids?

As an author and parenting educator I chat to lots of parents and teachers, and ...


Why iPad playgrounds are a bad idea for shops and kids

Can modern childhood get any more weird? In my travels I have found the folks ...


Love bridges: Why micro-moments of connection matter

Most parents would never question that they love their children wholeheartedly – even when their little ...


Are we about to ban childhood altogether?

As a passionate advocate for allowing children a childhood that allows them to play as ...


Move baby, move: Why movement matters for babies

As parents we often can’t wait until our babies can crawl and then walk, and ...


The fun, fickle and fragile world of children’s friendships

“‘We’ll be friends forever, won’t we, Pooh?’ asked Piglet. ‘Even longer,’ Pooh answered.” ― A.A. ...


Why schools are failing our boys

Boys will be boys, they tell us, but how many of us actually take this ...


Boys and gaming

Gaming on a computer or device is a wildly popular pastime for kids in Australia. ...


Why boys need a boyhood to become good men

Given the current deep community outpourings of concern for the senseless violence present on Australian ...


Winning the war on hugs

A recent ‘hugging ban’ in a primary school in WA has triggered quite a response ...


Invisible enemy of anxiety a real worry

In the past decade, we’ve seen large numbers of children diagnosed with depression and behavioural ...


A Bit of Shoosh Please… We’re Making Magic

When my four sons were young and I was working as a teacher life was ...


Buying gifts for children

Thrifty Christmas Might be the Magic Pudding When times are tight, I think it can ...


Is Your Child Ready for School?

Many families will by now have made the difficult decision about whether or not to ...


The dirty secret about raising kids: It’s child’s play

I am going to let you in on a little secret about raising children. It’s ...