Blog Category: Schools: Choosing & Transitioning


Getting little ones ready for big school

Most academics and early years experts prefer to reframe “readiness” to mean transitioning into the ...


Best play/nature-based schools & early years centres in New Zealand

As referred by followers on Maggie Dent’s Facebook page September 2017 A summary of people’s ...


Best play/nature-based schools & early years centres in NSW, SA, ACT, TAS & NT

As referred by followers on Maggie Dent’s Facebook page September 2021 A summary of people’s ...


Best play/nature-based schools & early years centres in QLD

As referred by followers on Maggie Dent’s Facebook page September 2021 A summary of people’s ...


Best play/nature-based schools & early years centres in VIC

As referred by followers on Maggie Dent’s Facebook page September 2021 A summary of people’s ...


Best play/nature-based schools & early years centres in WA

As referred by followers on Maggie Dent’s Facebook page September 2021 A summary of people’s ...


Important information re starting age for pre-primary in WA

2020 Update: Please sign Maggie’s petition to Premier Mark McGowan to give concerned WA parents ...


Why are we STILL stealing childhood?

As one of Australia’s leading parenting educators I regularly travel the length and breadth of ...


Surviving the first week of high school

As a former high school teacher, year coordinator and counsellor — as well as a ...


Coping with test-driven education in early years

In this ‘Maggie moment’ Australian parenting author, educator and resilience specialist Maggie Dent shares her ...


Sensitive kids starting school

As school holidays run out faster than the water out of the bath, parents know ...


Little boys beginning big school

We have seen some disturbing trends in recent times: Increasing number of 4-6-year-old boys being ...


6 year old boy fidgety in school – 9 Things Q&A

Maggie responds to a participant question about helping a young boy who is fidgety in school. ...


Top Tips for Parents of Preschoolers

In 2015, parenting author and educator Maggie Dent put a post on Facebook asking for ...


Nova 937

Maggie talked about heading back to school, being a new grandma and more with Nathan, ...


Stop stealing childhood in the name of education

In this “Maggie Moment”, Maggie passionately shares her concerns about the ‘push down’ of formalised ...


Angry children

In this “Maggie Moment”, Maggie talks about why some children vent after school and how ...


Which school is right for your child?

A lot of parents have asked what Maggie thinks about single-sex vs co-educational schools for ...