Blog Category: Play & Nature Play


Best play/nature-based schools & early years centres in VIC

As referred by followers on Maggie Dent’s Facebook page September 2021 A summary of people’s ...


Best play/nature-based schools & early years centres in WA

As referred by followers on Maggie Dent’s Facebook page September 2021 A summary of people’s ...


Too many toys?

Maggie spoke with ABC Radio in Perth about whether too many toys can limit creativity ...


Why are we STILL stealing childhood?

As one of Australia’s leading parenting educators I regularly travel the length and breadth of ...


The risk of not letting our children take risks

Lenore Skenazy, author of Free Range Kids, has been fighting against laws in the US ...


Creating risk in a risk-averse society: ABC Nightlife

Maggie joined one of the longest-running national ABC radio programs, Nightlife, to discuss why risk ...


Why won’t my kids play outside?

It must be annoying for many parents today who hear stories from older folk like ...


Save your cash & pull out the pegs

Babies and toddlers are learning constantly from everything they see, hear, taste, touch and smell ...


Maggie’s secrets to raising happy children – ‘Today Tonight’

Maggie is thrilled to have been asked to be an ambassador for the Telethon7, a registered ...


In praise of a common-sense revolution

Recently I was listening to a radio interview with a motoring expert, and a listener ...


The Importance of Bare Feet

Surely one of the cutest parts of newborn babies is their feet. They are like ...


The importance of movement and play

Maggie talks about how critical movement, music and play are to young children.


Stop stealing childhood in the name of education

In this “Maggie Moment”, Maggie passionately shares her concerns about the ‘push down’ of formalised ...


How Risk Can Benefit Children

In this “Maggie Moment”, Maggie talks about how as a society we can tend to ...


Why We Need to Prioritise Play

In this “Maggie Moment”, Maggie responds to a Facebook post from a mum who is ...


Why iPad playgrounds are a bad idea for shops and kids

Can modern childhood get any more weird? In my travels I have found the folks ...


The shift back to nature play – it’s happening!

Many of you know of my passionate commitment to outside play in our homes, schools ...


Are we about to ban childhood altogether?

As a passionate advocate for allowing children a childhood that allows them to play as ...