Blog Category: Raising Boys


Boys & Mums: the tween years (Part 2 of 2)

In this ‘Maggie Moment’, Maggie talks about parenting boys as they approach their adolescence. Maggie ...


Boys & Mums: the tween years (Part 1 of 2)

In this ‘Maggie Moment’, Maggie talks about the challenges for mums raising boys in the ...


Teen Boys & Gaming: The 10 Agreements for Healthy Balance

Recently a mum of 15-year-old boy came up and asked me a frequently asked question: ...


Boys, Boys, Boys

In this ‘Maggie Moment’, Maggie talks about her own experience of raising four sons and ...


Boys, Boys, Boys – Feature article

On the eve of the release of 9 Things: A back-to-basics guide to calm, common-sense, ...


Parenting imperfectly

Maggie joined Perth’s NOVA 937 brekky crew Nathan, Nat and Shaun to talk about her ...


Top Tips: Books to inspire struggling readers to get into reading

This list is compiled from our community to share their favourite books to hook readers ...


Why schools are failing our boys

Boys will be boys, they tell us, but how many of us actually take this ...


Boys and gaming

Gaming on a computer or device is a wildly popular pastime for kids in Australia. ...


Why boys need a boyhood to become good men

Given the current deep community outpourings of concern for the senseless violence present on Australian ...


What Boys Need Most

“Boys are found everywhere, on top of, underneath, inside of, climbing on, swinging from, running ...


Boys Matter: Silence, Stillness and Boys

“Boys are found everywhere, on top of, underneath, inside of, climbing on, swinging from, running ...


Free Audio Collection

Sleepytime and Safe’n’Sound audio tracks These 2 free audio tracks may be useful to parents ...