Blog Category: Posts for Teachers


Show caution when implementing change

In this article forTeachers Matter, Maggie writes about changing fads in education and how we ...


Sensitive kids starting school

As school holidays run out faster than the water out of the bath, parents know ...


Teaching with the teen brain in mind

Over the past 15 years there has been a massive outpouring of research that explores ...


In praise of a common-sense revolution

Recently I was listening to a radio interview with a motoring expert, and a listener ...


Helping children to make friends

Maggie urges parents to see their children’s behaviour through a child’s eyes.


TEDx Youth: Exploring the big question, why am I here?

Joining TEDxYouth@Hale, Maggie addressed young people at Hale School to ask what their spark is.


Bullying among young children

In this “Maggie Moment”, Maggie discusses two scenarios of bullying occurring among very young children. ...


Stop stealing childhood in the name of education

In this “Maggie Moment”, Maggie passionately shares her concerns about the ‘push down’ of formalised ...


Which school is right for your child?

A lot of parents have asked what Maggie thinks about single-sex vs co-educational schools for ...


Self-care in the age of 24/7 negative news cycles

So often when I tune into the news online, on the radio or on TV, ...


Taming the teen stress monster

For many of our teens one thing is certain: stress levels are set to rise ...


21 Things I Wish I had Known as a New Teacher

In this article for Teachers Matter, Maggie wrote about what she wished she’d known about being ...


Why our children’s ability to think deeply is suffering

I want to chat about thinking. When I explore my building block about life skills ...


8 ways to nurture friendships in our schools

“We’ll be friends forever, won’t we, Pooh?” asked Piglet. “Even longer,” Pooh answered. ― A.A. ...


Bringing out the best in all students

Maggie wrote for Teachers Matter about what she learned from neuro linguistic programming and how ...


Maggie’s message about natural playgrounds

There is clear and consistent evidence about the many benefits for children and the wider ...


Q&A webinar with parents – 3/02/2014

In this 1 hour recording of a live webinar Q&A conducted between Maggie and a ...


Creating a safe place for today’s adolescents

According to the Mission Australia Youth Survey 2020, the top four concerns for young people ...