Blog Category: Maggie Moments


Boys & Mums: the tween years (Part 1 of 2)

In this ‘Maggie Moment’, Maggie talks about the challenges for mums raising boys in the ...


Connecting with kids: building love bridges

In this ‘Maggie Moment’, Maggie talks about how quality time can be a rare commodity for ...


Hitting, biting and other parenting challenges

In this ‘Maggie Moment’, Maggie Dent talks about challenging childhood behaviours. Maggie looks at what ...


Raising girls in a sexualised world

In this ‘Maggie moment’, Maggie shares her concerns for girls today in particular their exposure ...


When kids are mean: relational aggression

In this ‘Maggie Moment’, Maggie talks about what to do when your child has been ...


Perfectionism in children

In this “Maggie Moment”, Maggie talks about the unintended phenomenon of unhealthy perfectionism and unhealthy ...


Parenting Only Children

In this ‘”Maggie Moment’”, Maggie talks about the challenges of parenting only children and dispels ...


Finding support as sole parent

Maggie talks about the challenges of sole parenting and guides parents on ways to find ...


Parenting “Lambs” – our sensitive kids

Maggie talks about our gentler, quieter kids and how to meet their needs.  


Parenting “Roosters” – our challenging kids

Maggie’s top tips for parenting headstrong, tricky kids.


Digital abandonment in modern families

Maggie talks about how technology is disconnecting parents and children. Watch more ‘Maggie Moments’, subscribe ...


Helping children to make friends

Maggie urges parents to see their children’s behaviour through a child’s eyes.


Understanding children’s choices

In this ‘Maggie Moment’, Maggie discusses how sometimes we need to see our children’s actions ...


TEDx Youth: Exploring the big question, why am I here?

Joining TEDxYouth@Hale, Maggie addressed young people at Hale School to ask what their spark is.


The importance of movement and play

Maggie talks about how critical movement, music and play are to young children.


Impact of screens on kids under 5

Maggie talks about how iPads, smart phones and other screens impact young kids and how ...


Helping children with death and loss

In this “Maggie Moment”, Maggie offers some tips to help children cope with loss, in ...


Teaching kids self-regulation

In this “Maggie Moment”, Maggie talks about the challenge of self-regulation and how to help ...