Blog Category: Newsletter Articles


Raising sensitive lambs in our stressful world

Let’s start at the very beginning – the birth of a child. While we gaze ...


Some important, awkward conversations that we need to have in our homes

Parents are our children’s first teachers and there are many conversations that they can have ...


Help me stop my son from hitting, slapping and kicking!

Every month in my membership community Q&As, I have questions from frustrated parents about little ...


Why our schooling system is flawed and what we need to change

Over the last month while running seminars and attending conferences I have had many conversations ...


Boys are not tough, at any age

Before you read this article, I want to make a disclaimer that gender is more ...


Why face-to-face, human communication still really matters

The ability to communicate is a profoundly important skill for human beings because we are ...


The very real crisis for today’s tween and teen girls

Please note: This article contains reference to suicide and self-harm. Please reach out to the ...


Why today’s teens might surprise you

As a former high school teacher, counsellor and a parent who has raised four sons ...


The importance of parental ‘swagger’

To begin with I need to acknowledge that the term parental swagger comes from my ...


HELP! My child can’t read

I can still remember the day in my first month of teaching high school English ...


Tricky transitions – why they happen, what can help

One of the most significant shifts in understanding the human brain, especially the developing child’s ...


Dads and daughters in the 21st century

One of the best and most significant cultural changes in the last 20 years, has ...


Raising resilient, capable girls

Social and cultural norms can be deceptively powerful in conditioning both our girls and boys ...


Navigating difficult times with grit, glimmers and hope

How are you doing at the moment? No, really, how are you doing? Are you ...


The wonder of little girls’ memories

While I was busy researching for my book about young girls, Girlhood: raising our little ...


Helping your Young Daughter Find her Sense of Self

Every child is born as a one-off, unique human being. Given genetic gifts or challenges, ...


Why fairness really matters in families

“Character is shaped by life experience and cannot be seen from the outside or from ...


Helping boys cope better at school: Tips for teachers and parents

Boys struggling in school, in the Western world, from transition to high school, is not ...