Blog Category: Newsletter Articles


The downside of big dreams and what can help

It is considered a positive and even noble thing to encourage our children and teens ...


Leaning in with light for our tweens and teens

Navigating the huge transformation from being a child to an adult has never been more ...


Time to talk puberty? Here are 10 strategies to help you get started

A guest post from Michelle Mitchell Most parents tell me that puberty wasn’t a subject ...


Innovative Education Reform Needs Common Sense and Genuine Consultation

As a former teacher, I am still deeply passionate about education. In 2013 I took ...

Honouring the human spirit in our homes and classrooms

Last week a story went around the media and socials about a farmer who was ...


Helping our girls’ voices not be silenced in today’s world

Warning: this article contains some descriptions of sexual acts. I am a child of the ...


The beautiful truth about ‘favourites’ for boys and men.

Disclaimer: Gender is more fluid than fixed and while respecting biological, neurological and hormonal differences ...


Teen boys are hungry for fathers who can care and connect

“Young males rise to the occasion under the approval of men they respect. As fathers, ...


Nurturing the inner world of our children and teens

Many years ago, a 16-year-old student shared with me a story that left an indelible ...


More concern around consent training for teens to avoid more harm

**Warning: This article contains descriptions of sexual assault.** Schools around Australia are no doubt scrambling ...


Why we need much more than consent training in our schools to stop sexual assault

Warning: This article discusses sexual assault and uses sexual terms.  One of the main reasons ...


The importance of being heard

I have spent some time recently reflecting and pondering on the last 44 years. Since ...


The real value in pretend play

“Babies create hypotheses, test them and then relentlessly appraise their findings with the vigour of ...


The real truth about transitioning into pre-primary in Western Australia

“Children who are pushed too much, too soon, have a much higher chance of struggling ...


Raising the rooster-orchid child

For those who are not familiar with my work, I often talk about the differences ...


Helping our kids master disappointment

Hasn’t 2020 been a year full of disappointment?! From loss of job opportunities, travel opportunities, ...


The scary reality of a teen’s search for identity in a world of socials, selfies and fake news

One of the fundamental biological drivers of adolescence is the search for identity. And let’s ...


Why our tween and teen boys need a safe adult tribe

All tweens and teens benefit from having a safe circle of grownups somewhere in their ...