Blog Category: Newsletter Articles
Understanding teen boys’ anger
Let’s be honest. We all get angry at times and that is because it is ...
Helping boys understand loss and death
Even as adults we find significant loss experiences of any kind hurt. So we can ...
Schools key to our kids’ recovery: Why the 3 Cs count before grades
I am writing this blog not in my usual role as a parenting author and ...
Gentle Steps to Recovery
There are so many things that can make it harder to recover from a collective ...
Why parenting is really all about neuroplasticity
When our precious babies are born, their brains are full of neurons with no connectors. ...
Giving your kids the gift of emotional intelligence
Emotions can be so unpredictable and tricky for adults to understand at times, so what ...
Our adolescents are passive and inactive and we can’t just blame screens
We grown-ups know that eating well, sleeping well and exercising well are the three key ...
The magic of movement still really matters in our digital world
Early homo sapiens had to move to survive and we are still biologically wired to ...
Let’s get creative – it is good for your health and wellbeing!
One of the greatest blessings of having a childhood filled with hours of unstructured play ...
Taming the parental busy bug
“Hurry is the enemy of love.” — Steve Biddulph It seems that the more sophisticated ...
Please help me with my lazy, unmotivated 18yo son who is stuck on the couch and going nowhere
It has only been in the past few years that I have started to hear ...
A letter to a 21st Century teen: 10 things I want you to know
Dear Teen, There are so many doomsayers and negative voices speaking despairingly about what’s wrong ...
Please teach your sons about ‘the line in the sand’
Raising our sons to be the best expression of themselves — whether they are outgoing, ...
The world needs more kindness warriors
In this age of selfies, Insta updates, over sharing and an incredible fascination with image, ...
The very real challenges of mothering in the 21st Century
Recently I have had some conversations with mums who have had children up to 15 ...
How to raise our boys with character
… or rather How to raise our boys with character, who will care about themselves, ...
Why we must prioritise play for today’s children and why we need to do it NOW
I have been writing and speaking about the importance of play in childhood for a ...
Why emotional turmoil in adolescence is normal
I care deeply about young people and have done since I too was a moody, ...