Blog Post Type: Article
When children lose someone they love
In my life before becoming an author I worked around death and dying a lot. ...
Does your son need more time before he starts school?
An extract from Maggie’s new book, Mothering Our Boys, on making the decision about whether ...
Minimising toy clutter
Maggie spoke to ABC life about how to minimise expenditure (and clutter) around toys in ...
HELP! What is wrong with my son’s memory?
Have you had the experience of sending your son off to his bedroom to get ...
Managing the elephant in the classroom: stress & anxiety
The University of Sydney recently surveyed 18,000 teachers, and found they are “drowning under increasing ...
Are you so overwhelmed you’re skating on thin ice?
Life can have moments when things get hectic and we get stressed and that is ...
Being a dad in the 21st century
It is a fabulous time to be a father historically, anthropologically and emotionally. The restrictive ...
Helping our children become their best selves
I’ve been chatting with many parents and teachers recently about the pressure and angst which ...
Boys, Schools and the change that is needed
Maggie wrote for Australian Education Reporter on what change is needed in our schools to ...
Parenting hacks for a calmer home
Everywhere I go around Australia parents tell me how stressed, exhausted and overwhelmed they are. ...
5 tricky times in boyhood that every parent needs to understand
So often, as parents we find ourselves asking: What’s happening with my boy? Over my ...
Today’s parents and teens: the generation chasm
There has always been a generation gap between parents and teens. Things change from one ...
Early years education is more than child’s play
Recently I discovered that in some states, early childhood educators with a four-year education degree ...
Why I’m glad my sons took up surfing
Pic: The four Dent lads at the Pipeline break, North Shore Hawaii When I grew ...
The power of words to make a difference at home or school
Name-calling, exclusion and put downs can scar anyone, especially children – that makes sense for ...
Talking to Teens about Alcohol and Other Drugs
Before the digital world came flooding through our schools and homes, adults were the bringers ...
The power of one-on-one
Last year a mother came to chat to me after a seminar to thank me ...
OMG What WAS he thinking?
Over the last 40 years as a teacher, counsellor, parent, aunty and friend I have ...