Pessimism can be hard to fight sometimes… here Maggie explores strategies parents can use to bring more optimism into their children’s thinking.
Maggie points out that optimism is something our children learn from us, and can also be developed by helping children learn to be autonomous, as well as empathetic and compassionate. She also discusses why helping children find their spark may just help them be optimistic, resilient beings for life. Igniting their passion can be a wonderful antidote to pessimism.
This video is a complement to Maggie’s earlier video blog on raising optimistic, hopeful children in a 24/7 bad news world, which you can watch here.
Also, for more on this topic, check out Professor Martin Seligman’s book, “The Optimistic Child”.
Maggie writes more about self-mastery and mindsets in her book, Real Kids in An Unreal World, now available as an eBook or in print from her online store.