Blog Tag: screen time
Navigating teens, ADHD and connection – Maggie & the ADHD Families podcast
Navigating teens, ADHD and connection – Maggie joins Sharon Collon on the ADHD Families podcast ...
Maggie talks with Jane on ‘ADHD Mums’ podcast
Maggie enjoyed her chat with Jane McFadden on ‘ADHD Mums’ about the rollercoaster ride of ...
Why are so many of our kids, teens & adults feeling so lonely?
“In 2022, just over 1 in 6 (16%) Australians were experiencing loneliness. As of 2022, ...
Raising caring humans in an uncaring world
Our world seems to be in quite a lot of turmoil at the moment. ...
The Range Podcast
On World Teacher’s Day here in Australia, it feels timely to share this chat between ...
S5 Episode 18 – Help: Devices are ruining dinnertime – Parental As Anything ABC Podcast
Remember family dinners growing up, sitting around the dinner table talking about your day while ...
Talking boys with the Finding Peace in Parenting Podcast
Maggie joined Rany Moran and Tracey-Anne Oxley, hosts of the Finding Peace in Parenting podcast ...
Maggie goes Parental As Anything on RN Drive
On the launch of the new ABC podcast Parental As Anything with Maggie Dent, Maggie ...
Managing kids’ screen time at home
Maggie wrote for ABC Life about how we can better manage screens for our kids ...
S1 Episode 1 – Screen Time — Parental As Anything ABC Podcast
Research shows Australian kids spend a third of their day in front of a screen. ...
Bringing mindfulness home: tips for parents
As a proud ambassador of meditation app Smiling Mind, Maggie wrote about how to create ...
Feeding your child’s passion from the banquet of life
When a child is born all parents hope that s/he will live a meaningful life and ...
The biggest challenges facing families today – The Advocate newspaper interview
Maggie was interviewed by The Advocate newspaper in Tasmania about the biggest challenges facing families ...
Raising Awesome Teens in a Chaotic, Sexualised World
with an afterword by Steve Biddulph The story in the media this week about the ...
Healing our profound wound of human disconnectedness
The latest suicide figures from the ABS are alarming, worrying and hide a world full ...
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