The Power of Storytelling – Building values, connection and fun for our children

In one of Maggie’s blogs, she wrote about the importance of having genuine verbal communication because in our digital world, we tend to do things without being face-to-face.

One of the most important parts of doing this that can not only shape our children’s love of language but also help to shape their unique character and build values and morals is storytelling.

In this month’s Maggie Moment, Maggie offers some inspiration on how we can tell stories that help build language, connection, listening, magic, and fun through storytelling.

In this video, Maggie talks about a story that came from the Chicken Soup for the Soul®️ series, originally published by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen. Check out the huge range of publications from Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC here

Maggie also trained with the original co-founder of the Chicken Soup for the Soul®️ series Jack Canfield in 1998 in Santa Barbara, and his work re-ignited her passion for understanding how to transform our kids’ poor self-concepts and to build pathways to positive, authentic self-esteem. Stories are one of the ways we can do that.