In this month’s Maggie Moment, I share the dilemma that seems to be on many parents’ minds at the moment and that’s Homeschooling.
Some children are the dandelions of life. They float through mainstream schooling systems without any major challenges. They seem to do well, they seem happy. But that’s not all children. For some, they can really struggle within the confines of the four classroom walls.
Many parents and teachers are concerned with the stress and anxiety within the structured school environment, and the flow-on impact this has in their homes. They’re concerned that our educational outcomes aren’t improving. They’re asking the big questions and they’re wondering, would all the struggle melt away for their child if they changed pathways and home-schooled?
And, like any big decision, there are pros, cons, research, and serious consideration on how it will impact the whole family. These are two great resources – My Home School and Cluey Learning.
If you’re based overseas, check your country’s advice, join forums and learn more from parents who have already adopted a home schooling lifestyle.