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Girlhood (Bunbury WA)

February 8, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Girlhood: Raising our little girls to be healthy, happy and heard

The early years of a little girl’s life will shape her future in powerful ways.

In her new book Girlhood, Maggie Dent, Australia’s queen of common-sense parenting, has investigated the development period from birth to age eight.

In this live presentation, Maggie draws on nearly 5,000 survey results plus the latest research, and her own extensive experience as an educator, counsellor, facilitator, mum and grandmother, to show us how to help our girls build an emotional and psychological base for life. She will cover among other things:

  • social norms around girls and helping your girls develop their own sense of identify
  • the influence of temperament
  • understanding girls’ emotional world
  • navigating friendships
  • sexualisation, body image and health self-esteem
  • nurturing her spirit.. and more.

This will be both a deeply practical guide to raising girls birth-8 (and the content is definitely relevant to raising girls a few years beyond that too), as well as a celebration and reflection on the state of being female, which women of all ages will relate to.

Tickets: $40

Time: 10am-noon (doors open at 9.15am)

Please book online via trybooking here

Printable event flyer download here

Please note this event is general admission (so you can sit wherever you like) and babes in arms are welcome at Maggie’s seminars. This event is not suitable for toddlers and older children.

**Please note if this event sells out, a waiting list will open on the ticketing page. If you add your name to the wait list, we will notify everyone on that list via email if an extra ticket allocation becomes available. ***

This event will comply with the public health guidelines around COVID-19.



February 8

10:00 am - 12:00 pm




Team Maggie


Bunbury Catholic College Hall
Rodsted Street
Bunbury, WA 6230 Australia
08 9720 3300
View Venue Website