A special event for anyone who lives or works with children in the early years (under 8s)

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The early years are among the most challenging and exhausting for parents but they are also the most important years for building a foundation for our children to grow up happy, healthy, strong and kind.

In this special event, one of Australia’s favourite parenting authors Maggie Dent teams up with Canada’s Dr Vanessa Lapointe to explore the joys and challenges of raising children through their infant, toddler, preschool and early years of big school.

Dr Vanessa will kick off the event with an exploration of:

 – the developmental realities of this stage

 – ways to build attachment and connection

 – coping with anger, meltdowns and more.

 – discipline without damage – what works and why?

Maggie will then explore:

 – why movement matters

 – the power of play

 – building self-regulation

 – nurturing resilience

 – calming our homes amidst the chaos.

An audience Q&A will follow.

This is a wonderful opportunity to see these two incredible speakers whose common drive is a passion to help you parent with more calmness and connection.

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Dr Vanessa Lapointe has become as popular in Australia as she is in her home, Canada, and she last visited Australia in 2023. She and Maggie love the opportunity to collaborate as they are not just trusted colleagues but firm friends with a shared vision of a better world for our families.

Dr Vanessa Lapointe

Author, parenting educator & counsellor

Maggie Dent

Parenting author, educator & podcaster

About Dr Vanessa

Dr Vanessa Lapointe is a mum, parenting educator, bestselling author, international speaker, and a regularly invited media guest. She holds a doctoral degree in psychology, and practiced as a psychologist for nearly 20 years, before devoting her full-time energy to connecting with parents and other “big people” around the globe in 2023. Founder of The North Star Developmental Clinic, Dr Vanessa has long been supporting families and children in her developmental clinic alongside her team, and has previous experience in community mental health and the school system.

Vanessa is the author of Discipline without Damage: How to get your kids to behave without messing them up, and  Parenting Right From The Start: Laying a Healthy Foundation in the Baby and Toddler years. .

Vanessa is known for bringing a sense of nurturing understanding and humanity to all of her work. Her passion is in walking alongside parents, teachers, care providers, and other big people to really see the world through the child’s eyes. She believes that if we can do this, we are beautifully positioned to grow up our children in the best possible way. Vanessa is the mother of two sons, 19 and 21, and lives in British Columbia.


About Maggie

Commonly known as the ‘queen of common sense’, Maggie Dent has become one of Australia’s favourite parenting authors, educators and podcasters, with a particular interest in the early years, adolescence and resilience.

Maggie Dent is one of Australia’s favourite parenting authors and educators, with a particular interest in the early years, adolescence and resilience – as well as being an undisputed ‘boy champion’. Maggie’s experience includes teaching, counselling, and working in palliative care/funeral services and in suicide prevention, as well as running women’s retreats and seminars for dads. Maggie is the author of 10 major books, including Help Me Help My Teen, Girlhood, Mothering Our Boys , Parental As Anything and From Boys to Men. She hosts The Good Enough Dad podcast and hosted six seasons of the award-winning ABC podcast, Parental As Anything.

Maggie is the proud mother of four wonderful sons, and an enthusiastic and grateful grandmother.


Tickets: $50

Event timings (including a short audience Q&A):
– Sunshine Coast: Doors open at 9.15am for a prompt 10am-12.30pm event
– Perth: Doors open at 5.45pm for a prompt 6.30pm-9pm event.

If you are an ECE/school seeking a group booking for your early years staff, please contact Kate at teammaggie@maggiedent.com for a group discount.

Seating: Seating is general allocation… there are no fixed seat numbers.

While babes in arms are welcome, this event is not suitable for toddlers and older children.

Please choose the seminar you would like to attend:


And if you’re looking for a special day out…

Maggie and Vanessa will also be hosting two special days for mothers, Coming Home to Your Heart. This event, coming to the Gold Coast and Perth is not a parenting seminar, but rather an opportunity to leave behind the mental load, washing, deadlines, decisions, group chats, meal planning, permission slips, worrying and people-pleasing – all of it. It’s a day to focus on you. Your heart. Your healing. Your joy. Find out more here.

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