This downloadable bundle of eBooks and audio tracks offers some great tools for anyone parenting children from babies up to 10.
Bundle contains:
2x eBooks:
- Building Children’s Resilience – One Building Block at a Time: Essential tips for parents of children birth-12. An abridged version of Real Kids in an Unreal World.
- 9 Things – A back-to-basics guide to calm, common-sense, connected parenting Birth-8.
3x audio downloads:
- Beach Bliss – This creative visualisation is a calming relaxation, taking you away from the busy-ness and chaos of modern life, to a pristine beach.
- Family Harmony – In our busy world, it is easy to allow the chaos of outside to seep into our homes.
- I Am a Good Friend – This creative visualisation activity (for children under 10) shows how to be a good friend – how it feels and how to do it!