This track is particularly useful for children aged 4-10 as a mood changer when they are experiencing anger or frustration. Under 10, children’s brain development enables them to explore their imaginary world intensely and this creates a wonderful window of opportunity to create healthier patterns that will set children up for life.
Maggie guides children through a creative visualisation that gives them new tools to being less angry: using colour, breath and vivid imagery to help children clear anger from in and around their body and replace it with calm.
The track empowers children to use these tools regularly, as lots of little things make us a little bit angry, and helps them turn their angry ant into a calm creature of their own creation. She also affirms other ways of dealing with anger.
For children who experience frequent outbursts of anger, it is particularly useful to play the track several times a week as they are falling asleep, to influence the brain vibration and unconscious, and create positive outcomes in their day-to-day lives.
Listen to a sample:
Warning: not to be used when driving or operating machinery.
Track length: approx. 12 mins
File size: approx. 11MB
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cherie.e.klaassen (verified owner) –
All Maggie’s resources I have found useful. I found this one great especially for the stage my boys are going through. Thanks Maggie!
cass.stoz (verified owner) –
I found this resource very useful and my 7 year old enjoys listening to it and really takes it in. Thanks for the help Maggie!
jjlinke (verified owner) –
I have 9 grandchildren aged 1 to 16……7 under 10… a marvellous resource thankyou !
alyrashaw (verified owner) –
My kids (aged 8 and 5) LOVE this audio. They ask to listen to it again and again and so ‘I feel so relaxed’ afterwards. Thank you!!
sharon3 (verified owner) –
This is so good for calming my angry ant! He requests it at bedtime. Thank you again Maggie X
Libc84 (verified owner) –
Brilliant. This has helped my boys wonderfully. I cannot praise Maggie enough. Thank you!
belicoleman (verified owner) –
My five year old son loves to listen to this at night before bed and I think it’s really helped him with his anger issues at school. He’s found the transition to a new school difficult so I thought I’d give this a try and it seems to be working!
elwiraagorna (verified owner) –
I love it! I am gently introducing my 4 year old son to it. Thank you Maggie!
jessicarose100 (verified owner) –
I use this to help my 7yr old boy, he sat and listened and it really seemed to help. His 17yr older sister even commented on what a difference it made to his mood. Thank you.

Great resource
michelle2011 (verified owner) –
Thanks Maggie, this audio has been played at bed time every night for the last 2 weeks for my 5 (almost 6) year old son. I have noticed he is definitely thinking things through more and also if he does get a little ‘angry ant’ action he is quicker to find a better head space. It is very soothing (even for me!)
shannonhow (verified owner) –
A really useful tool. It took a few listens for my boy to take it on, but knows how to use it when he needs to